Welcome to our website

    Hello, Welcome to the Astro Q.S Group. We are a talented quickscoping clan looking for recruits. If you are interested in being in the Astro Clan send XeX skittleSPAz a message. We are looking forward to being a stronger more talented Group. I would certianly be proud if we became a sponsered, well known Group. To Join us you must be over the age of 14 and able to quickscope. Once your in If you dont respect the group or miss to many clan meating's you will be temporarily banned from the Clan.


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11/27/2011 03:24
    Our meatings will be on friday at 7:00 and Sunday at 4:00. If you have plans or wont be able to be online just send me a message before the meating.

Once sponsered

11/27/2011 03:23
    I have started the Astro Group so we could have fun, not so much for being compeditive. I want to soon be sponsered and be a well known Clan. If we ever get sponsered we will be able to get cool stuff. It will be a lot of fun and our name will be well known over Xbox Live